St. Louis RV Storage is open for business Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM, Saturdays from 9:00am to 12:00 noon or by appointment with 24 hours notice.
Daily Operations
St. Louis RV Storage continues the unique tradition of Concierge Staging Services for our customers to minimize the risk of damage to your RV from other customers' sometimes less than perfect parking practices.
You can set an appointment pickup your RV anytime with 24 hours advance notice. When you arrive your vehicle will be waiting for you our staging area ready to start the next RV adventure. You can drop off your RV anytime in the staging area and the St. Louis RV Storage staff will collect the unit from the staging area to place it in its designated parking area at the earliest opportunity.
This service is provided for all of our customers no matter what level of storage you require.
Emergency Operations
We utilize SMS Messaging for emergency communications with our customers. During times of prolonged severe rain events, we communicate potential impacts and updates. Customers can also watch the river levels daily and even set alerts at NOAA's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Services website. The Meramec flood stage is 19' in Eureka but St. Louis RV Storage historically has not seen any water until levels rise above 36'. Click the buttons below to see current levels and the flood impact at certain levels.